High Performance & Reliability.

  • Multi Tier-1 (Internet Gateway) provider backbone infrastructure
  • Options of multiple last mile connectivity over wired and wireless media for last mile redundancy
  • Redundancies at all levels eliminates the need of Enterprise for having many service providers in order to ensure redundancy thereby cutting down the cost and manageability overheads
  • Global and Domestic peering with content providers and telecom carriers provides reach and faster access to content across the world
  • Decentralized core and backhaul network architecture reduces latencies and maximizes redundancies with no single point of failure
  • Industry leading and competitive SLA integrating all key network performance indicators
  • Future proof scalable backbone and last mile network
  • IPv4 and IPv6 support
  • Owned fiber network enables complete control over service levels
  • Regular network capacity augmentation, quality enhancement and incorporating new & emerging technology ensures improved performance and service levels